
Showing posts from November, 2011

S.M.B. Interview.

This interview I did a few days ago on The Mile High Underground, in Denver Colorado. I got to talk about the new Sam Morrison Band C.D. “Dig It Or Don’t.” I answered questions about our show “Turn The Page” and Turn The Page C.D.’s we recorded for Titan Tribute Media. I also answered questions about ... working with producer Michael Vail Blum , and a lot of other exciting S.M.B. news. After the interview they played our song “Rattlesnake Stew.” A very special thank you to my good friend Steve Valverde (Freeza) who hosted the interview, you Rock brother!! If you like the song, please call The Mile High Underground on the studio line, 720-258-8486. Cheers!

Can I be serious for a moment?

I would like to thank everyone who has been reading my blogs.   When I first started writing them they were meant to be funny, light-hearted stories about life on the road with The Sam Morrison Band. However, there is a time to be serious as well. I grew up on a cattle ranch in Littleton, Colorado.   The ranch is no longer there, but that’s a different story for a different time.   Down many roads and through a very long, storied chain of events I found myself in Southern California playing for The Sam Morrison Band.   To date, being part of the S.M.B. has been the best time in my life.   It has not only changed my life, it has literally made me who I am.   I love everyone in the band as if they were my own blood.       As far back as I can remember, I’ve had a certain clarity about who I am, and what I wanted to do with my life.   It’s very simple really.   I’ve never wanted to be anything more than a drummer in a Rock-n-Roll ban...